lisätty Kassa

Pessi Levanto

August 21, 2020

Designed in August 2020
Pedalboard: Pedaltrain Novo 32 TC
Power supply: Strymon Zuma Power Supply
Patch cables: Van Damme Instrument Patch Cable
Weight with case: 20,4 kg


Signal chain: 
Best-Tronics input/output patch panel 

Loop 1: Hologram Electronics Infinite Jets 
Loop 2: Red Panda Particle
Loop 3: Chase Bliss Mood 
Loop 4: Red Panda Raster
Loop 5: Chase Bliss Warped Vinyl
Loop 6: Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man
Loop 7+8: Strymon Timeline
Loop 9+10: Strymon BigSky

--> TC Electronic Ditto X4

2 x Lehle P-Split III

Pessi Levanto is a Finnish composer, arranger, and pianist. This studio pedalboard is designed for sound design, reamping and score work in mind. Our goal was to create an inspiring, intuitive, quickly accessible, and easily modifiable setup to house various, often changing pedals. The idea is to use offboard stereo reamp box to feed the signal from the workstation, patch it through the board and then send back to the workstation through the reamp box. 

All the pedals' inputs and outputs are patched on the top row of the pedalboard for quick cross-patching. We used Best-Tronics patch panels mounted on top of the board, unlocking Neutrik panel jacks and color-coded Van Damme guitar patch cable for inputs and outputs. The fixed patch cables on the board have enough slack to work with different pedal setups, and they are fastened on the board with our Safety Clips, which allow removing and reattaching the cables without any hassle with zip ties. 

The board includes also two Lehle P-Split III's which can be used for summing a stereo signal to mono for mono pedals, or alternatively split the mono signal for stereo output. 

The board is powered with Strymon Zuma, which was a suitable choice for the board as all the outlets have the same amount of current available, so you don't have to think what outlet needs to feed which pedal. 

Unlike normally, this time we used velcro to attach the pedals to the board. Normally it's not durable enough for professional use, but as this board is only used at the studio and the pedal setup and layout will change often, it's more suited for the purpose. 




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