lisätty Kassa

Juha Ruokolainen II

December 21, 2021

Designed in May 2019, modified in December 2021.
Pedalboard: Voodoo Lab Dingbat Tiny
Power supply: Voodoo Lab Pedal Power X4
Patch cables: Evidence Audio Monorail & Evidence Audio SiS Plug
Accessories: Barefoot Buttons
Weight: 4,1 kg

Signal chain: 

Sonic Research Turbo Tuner Mini --> Keeley Compressor Plus --> Wampler Tumnus --> Mad Professor Royal Blue Overdrive --> Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay

When possible, aligning all the footswitches on the board is a good practice, especially if you're singing while playing. The Barefoot Buttons really help to level the footswitches as well, making using the board a pleasure.



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